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Governor in the US signs law that allows execution by firing squad

Idaho became the fifth state in the entire United States to allow use of firing squad as an option for the death penalty.

The governor of that state, Brad Little, was in charge of signing the HB 186 law document, which states that they will be executed with bullets in case the lethal injection is not available.

In this way, due to the drug shortage for lethal injections across the country, Idaho joined Missippi, Oklahoma, Utah and South Carolina in firing squad, according to The Associated Press.

It should be noted, as stated in La Verdad Noticias, this prisoner sentenced to death asks to delay his execution to give a kidney, a request that has surprised everyone.

Why do they opt for this measure in the US?

US death row inmates will be shot to death

After lethal injection became the primary method of execution in the 2000s, companies began prohibit the use of your medicines in the drug cocktail needed for the injection, the AP said.

Firing squads have been around since the 1970s with the execution of Gary Gilmore in 1977.

It may interest you: Man reveals terrible murder before he was given the lethal injection

What does lethal injection do?

Cases of execution by lethal injection

In the cases of execution by lethal injection a massive dose of three chemicals is usually injected: sodium thiopental, which causes rapid unconsciousness; pancuronium bromide, which causes muscle paralysis; and potassium chloride, which causes cardiac arrest.

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