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Governor of Madre de Dios before a mob attack on his house: “The next time they come, I will kill them”

This Friday, a group of vandals attacked and tried to set fire to the home of the regional governor of Madre de Dios, Luis Otsuka Salazar, who was forced to defend himself with shots into the air. After saving his life in the face of this aggression, the authority attacked the Executive and asked the president Dina Boluarte take action on the matter.

More information Madre de Dios: vandals destroy the house of the governor who defended himself with a firearm

In dialogue with Channel N, otsuka salazar He explained that hundreds arrived at his house and began to break the windows and throw fuel swabs in order to set it on fire. His family and he ended up injured, whereupon he was forced to shoot.

The attack on the home of the governor of Madre de Dios by a mob.

More than a thousand people have just attacked my home, there were police guarding but they had no weapons. The mob began to blow up the windows, throwing fuel swabs to set it on fire. I call the attention of the Minister of the Interior and everyone, how can you send a soldier to war without weapons? Is the social cost that they kill me and my entire family? Mr. Minister, take the cards at once and solve this serious problem that is not my problem, I did not do it”, he initially pointed out.

This problem is at the national level, not at the regional level. I call the minister’s attention, what is happening in Peru, Executive? The social cost is that they kill me? There is no social cost there. How funny they are!”, he added.

The home of the regional governor, Luis Otsuka Salazar, was attacked this Friday when he and his family were inside. The vandals threw stones and sticks at the property located in Puerto Maldonado.

Regional governor sent a message to Dina Boluarte and ministers

Along these lines, Luis Otsuka criticized President Dina Boluarte, because she pointed out that the situation has spilled over into Mother of God -in which

“Mr. Minister, do you want me to start killing these people? If I hadn’t had the gun, what would have happened? Am I going to let my family die? This is out of control. From here I call the President of the Republic, this cannot continue, it cannot overflow any more”, stressed.

Finally, the regional governor He sent a strong message to the protesters who try to attack his home and his family again. In those lines, he left death threats against vandals who dare to attack them.

I can’t stand them coming to destroy my house (…) Andor honestly I tell them, the next time they come, I will kill them. That is a right that assists me more. The last time I forgive them, because it is not right for them to come and destroy my house. Am I the delinquent, thief? Gentlemen of the PCM, enough is enough, propose a solution at once! It’s outrageous to me”, he sentenced.


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