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Governor of Sinaloa launches the Sinaloa Red Cross Collection

—The goal for this year is to collect 40 million pesos from society

Culiacán, Sinaloa, March 16, 2023.- With a call to Sinaloans to donate and support the Sinaloa Red Cross, Governor Rubén Rocha Moya launched the annual collection for this year, which with the motto “A single time is not enough”, seeks to collect 40 million pesos for the entire state, and which initially received the first contributions from Sinaloan companies, for an amount of 2 million 797 thousand pesos.

Accompanied by the delegate of the Mexican Red Cross, Sinaloa Delegation, Carlos Bloch Artola; and by the president of the Sinaloa DIF System, Eneyda Rocha Ruiz, who serves as honorary president of the Mexican Red Cross, the state president began this Thursday morning from the Álvaro Obregón square, next to the Cathedral, to the collection that it will be maintained until March 31 in the 18 municipalities of the state.

“This is a very special day, the issue of support for the Red Cross, we as a government have been supporting it and we are going to support it more now Carlos, we are going to have higher income, as we did last year, and guarantee, dignify the Red Cross, because it is an organization to which everyone turns, because we have an institution that takes care of us and that can help us in the moment of greatest need and urgency”, he said.

Governor Rocha endorsed the support of his government so that the Red Cross can have more ambulances, and stressed that this collection has the purpose of gathering the necessary resources for its operation, since it has 1,500 “juventinos” volunteers and 500 workers who earn a salary, in addition to the costs of mobilizing ambulances to provide services.

“The call is to our charitable condition to increase the chances of attention from the Red Cross and to do so, I insist, in the best conditions. We are therefore summoned to that and we are also committed, under the motto that One time is not enough ”, he concluded.

For his part, the delegate of the Mexican Red Cross, Carlos Bloch Artola, thanked Governor Rocha for this support and, in advance, also thanked the society for the support that society will give, as every year, to this annual collection.

“I want to infinitely thank Mr. Governor for all the support you have given us in the effort to leave a much stronger Red Cross, much more magnified, but above all with the great satisfaction of knowing that we have alleviated the pain of many Sinaloans and saved the lives of lives that have been in our hands,” he said.

The delegate called for the courtesy of all Sinaloans to continue supporting the Red Cross and to continue as a national benchmark, not only in terms of collections, but also assistance programs with the Juventinos and lifeguards who get up every day with the intention to save a life and alleviate the pain of people who are in unfavorable situations.

Immediately, the first donations were received from around 15 Sinaloan companies, including Grupo Coppel, Grupo Premier and Jova, which in total contributed 2 million 797 thousand pesos, and for this reason Governor Rocha and Dr. Eneyda Rocha Ruiz symbolically moved the ” money meter” from the Sinaloa Red Cross 2023 collection.

Also attending this event were the Secretary General of the Government, Enrique Inzunza Cázarez; the Secretary of Health, Cuitláhuac González Galindo; the commander of the Ninth Military Zone, Brigadier General Alfredo Salgado Vargas; the president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress, Deputy Feliciano Castro Meléndrez; and the president of the Board of Directors of the same, deputy Ricardo Madrid Pérez; the municipal president of Culiacán, Juan de Dios Gámez Mendívil, accompanied by his wife and volunteer lady Irma Lidia Gasca; and the president of the Ladies Volunteers of the Mexican Red Cross, Sinaloa Delegation, Fernanda Rivera de Bloch.

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