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Governor Roca: a man died after being hit by a car on Route 6 | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Wednesday May 17, 2023 | 10:45 a.m.

A 76-year-old man identified as Ramón Rivero died on Tuesday night, after being hit by a car on provincial route No. 6.

Police sources announced that the event occurred around 7:20 p.m., when for reasons that are trying to establish, a Ford model F100 vehicle, driven by Víctor B. (52) and that was traveling along the provincial route in the direction of Yacutinga. – Governor Roca, collided at kilometer No. 18, Rivero who was walking on the road.

At first, the victim was transferred to the local hospital and later referred to the Ramón Madariaga Hospital for more complex studies, however, on the way to Posadas and due to the serious injuries sustained, the man suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and died.

As reported by the police doctor on duty, Rivero suffered a “traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest due to a traffic accident.”

By order of Investigating Judge No. 2 of Jardín América, Víctor B. was notified of the homicide in a traffic accident, while the victim’s body was handed over to his relatives for a wake and subsequent burial.

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