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Governor Wallner’s New Year’s speech

LH Markus Wallner during his 2023 New Year’s address.
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Cohesion and confidence are the focus of the Governor’s New Year’s speech.

The independent course of the state will also be maintained in 2023, as Governor Markus Wallner announced his traditional “Thoughts at the turn of the year” today (January 1). Vorarlberg can build on many strengths that make the region crisis-proof. These strengths as well as the development potential must be actively used in the new year and bravely break new ground.

Focus on your strengths

Wallner not only looks back on an eventful year in his function as governor, but also from a very personal point of view, as he states in his New Year’s speech: “I have become aware of what counts: the time with family and friends, moments in nature, a certain serenity and gratitude for health. None of this can be taken for granted.” It is precisely in difficult times that you have to focus on your strengths. This also applies to the work for the state of Vorarlberg.

The crucial question

According to Wallner, the decisive question for 2023 is: “What makes Vorarlberg more crisis-proof than other regions?” The answer: “Above all, the independence of the state. Because Vorarlberg can build on many strengths.” Vorarlberg is an innovative production location with successful family businesses. The country has excellent teaching and specialist training. The state-owned energy company guarantees security of supply for everyone. In addition, there is good cooperation in the state – as the large voluntary commitment in Vorarlberg clearly proves. And when it comes to mastering difficult tasks, the virtues of Vorarlberg come into play: “We think ahead, we don’t whine, we act.”

Challenges for 2023

The challenges will probably not be any less in 2023, states the governor: from the ongoing fight against inflation to supporting young families in creating their first property to strengthening care in all aspects. When it comes to refugee issues, Wallner is also taking a consistent course in the new year: war refugees will of course continue to be offered protection and care – but a clear distinction must be made between asylum and uncontrolled immigration.

Wallner finally explained: “The independent course of our country and the courage to break new ground – that has made our region one of the most livable in general. We can continue to rely on ourselves in the future. Let’s stick together and continue along this path together with confidence.” The governor wishes all Vorarlberg residents for 2023 “a happy new year, good luck and health”.

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