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Graciela Sosa, one week after the verdict: "We hope perpetually for all"

One week after the issuance of the verdict of the trial for the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa, Gracielathe mother of the young law student, asked life imprisonment for the eight defendants.

“It is what we hope for, because the way they murdered my son… There can be no other justice that is not perpetual for everyone. Everyone had a part, they ambushed my son so they couldn’t defend him.”said.

in dialogue with radius 10Grace He admitted to feeling “a little scared” regarding the sentence that will be announced next Monday, February 6. It is that in these three years, he said, he met with relatives of other victims who warned him “that justice will not be done.”

However, the woman was “fully confident that justice will be done” for her son, and highlighted the work of the lawsuit – headed by Fernando Burlando – and the prosecutor’s office.

“I hope that (the resolution of the Oral Criminal Court (TOC) 1 of Dolores) is exemplary, that it does not happen again,” he insisted.

Last week, both sides set out their allegations. While The accusers requested life imprisonment for the eight defendants -Máximo Thomsen (23), Enzo Comelli (22), Matías Benicelli (23), Blas Cinalli (21), Ayrton Viollaz (23), and Luciano (21), Ciro (22) and Lucas Pertossi (23)- for ” doubly aggravated homicide for having been committed with treachery with the premeditated cooperation of two or more people”, The defense requested the acquittal and that the crime be framed in another criminal figure, which provides for a lesser penalty. In the last hearing, moreover, the defendants gave their last words and apologized.

“I expected that they would at least look me in the face, but I felt that it was like something studied, because every time one spoke, it was the same thing that each one of them said, it was all very prepared”, Graciela recounted about that moment. However, he pointed out that nothing would have changed what you feel.

“After murdering him, they went to eat. And after seeing the videos that I saw, on each of the defendants’ clothes there was my son’s blood, it is very difficult to forgive them after what they did, they had no mercy“, he reiterated. “At no time did I see them sorry, I even saw them smiling,” he added.

For the woman, the defendants “are not human” because they beat Fernando “until they destroy” his body.

Both Graciela and Silvino Báez, Fernando’s father, were present at the thirteen hearings of the evidentiary stage and the two days of arguments.

“It was very strong to see the videos, and to see Fernando dead, or almost dead, and how they kept giving him kick after kick,” he said about the evidence exhibited in the debate.

About what will come after the verdict, Graciela raised a heartbreaking panorama.

I don’t know what will become of us tomorrow. I only know that now that I got home, I feel totally empty.I don’t feel like talking to anyone, not even my family. I feel a terrible comedown, maybe I’ll seek some assistance to get out of this. But God is great and I will try to learn to live with pain.”

Fernando’s mother said that she hopes to have “a bit of peace and relief” with the Court’s resolution – and that her son “can rest in peace” – but returned to the future of her life without the young man murdered on January 18 2020 in front of the Le Brique bowling alley in Villa Gesell.

“I don’t know what will become of me tomorrow, I miss Fer a lot. Every day is no longer life for me. It’s hard to get up, go into Fernando’s room, and not find him”described.

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