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Graffiti artists scratched several places in the heart of La Plata

In the last few hours, graffiti artists were arrested who defaced several commercial premises in the heart of La Plata. According to police sources, the three implicated were found doing graffiti in a pharmacy located at diagonal 80 between 46 and 47.

However, there were more shops that the self-styled “urban artists” scrawled with their graffiti. It was a complaint that entered through 911, that a security protocol was activated and the Police went out in search of the suspects.

Once they were arrested, they were placed at the disposal of the Criminal Justice, in a case for “aggravated damage”, in which the prosecutor Juan Menucci intervened. One of the apprehended is a minor (he is barely 15 years old), while the two who accompanied him accused 20 and 29, respectively.

It should be noted that several aerosols were seized in their possession, they were identified and they were released, although they will continue to be prosecuted for the acts committed.

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