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Great Britain wants to sell Challenger main battle tanks to Ukraine

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is said to have spoken about it in a conversation with Zelenskyy.Image: PA Wire / James Manning


the war in Ukraine has been going on for almost eleven months now. While there were hardly any successes – neither on the Ukrainian nor on the Russian side – in the coming weeks, reported Russia success on Friday. After days of bloody fighting with house-to-house fighting, Russia has now officially declared the city of Soledar in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine as its own. Western experts had also reported that Russia may have taken the place.

For Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, this is the first major setback in months of success in recapturing cities and areas. Meanwhile, the fighting in Ukraine and negotiations for international arms deliveries continue.

January 14th

1:01 p.m .: Great Britain wants to hand over Challenger main battle tanks to Ukraine

Great Britain wants to provide Ukraine with Challenger 2 main battle tanks to ward off Russian war of aggression. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said so in a conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as the British seat of government Downing Street announced on Saturday in London.

“The Prime Minister outlined Britain’s intention to step up our support to Ukraine, including the deployment of Challenger 2 tanks and additional artillery systems”, a Downing Street spokesman was quoted as saying. Sunak and Zelenskyi welcomed other similar announcements, including Poland’s offer to provide Leopard tanks for a company – that would typically be 14.

Zelenskyj thanked Sunak by email Twitter for his support and emphasized that the decision will “send the right signal to other partners”.

8.47 a.m .: Ukraine reports rocket attack on infrastructure – explosions in Kyiv

The Ukrainian capital Kyiv has been attacked with rockets. There is a “rocket attack” on infrastructure facilities in Kyiv, said the deputy chief of the Ukrainian presidential office, Kyryklo Tymoshenko, in the online service Telegram. According to the city administration, the infrastructure was set up.

Kyiv, Ukraine: Journalists reported several explosions on Saturday morning.Image: AP / Andrew Kravchenko / dpa

Journalists from the AFP news agency reported several explosions on Saturday morning in the Ukrainian capital. Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko spoke of explosions in a district. Fragments of a rocket fell in another district, but there were no casualties. Klitschko called on residents to stay in the shelters.

4:00 a.m.: Buschmann is skeptical about the UN special tribunal for Russians

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP) is skeptical about the establishment of a special UN special tribunal for Russian war crimes in Ukraine. “This may undermine the acceptance of the International Criminal Court, which I really think is an achievement and should not be weakened under any circumstances.”, said Buschmann of the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Saturday). “There are many countries in Africa that say: If something happens here, the International Criminal Court is good enough; but as soon as something happens in Europe, you want a special tribunal.”

Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann is skeptical about a UN special tribunal for Russian war crimes. Image: dpa / Kay Nietfeld

The Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelenskyj had already campaigned for a special tribunal before the UN General Assembly in September. Buschmann admitted that the position of the federal government on this was not finalized. “We are conducting these discussions in close coordination with our partners and involving the institutions that are already investigating,” said Buschmann. “I’m not ruling anything out. But there are a lot of complex questions that need to be carefully considered.” bushman said Germany is the world leader in prosecuting war crimes. “I can understand very well that Ukraine wants to see Mr Putin in particular one day in court. Ideally, that would take place before the International Criminal Court.”

2.15 a.m .: Fighting for Soledar apparently continues

Despite several Russian reports of victory in the small town of Soledar in eastern Ukraine, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy maintains that the fighting for the town is continuing. “The hard fight for Donetsk continues,” Zelenskyy said in his daily video address on Friday evening. “The struggle for Bakhmut and Soledar, for Kreminna, for other towns and villages in the east of our state continues.”

Even if Russia reports initial successes in the battle for Soledar: Selenskyj insists on the opposite in a video speech.Image: AP / LIBKOS

Both the Russian military leadership and the notorious Russian mercenary group “Wagner” deployed near Soledar had announced the conquest of Soledar. “Wagner” in particular claimed the success for himself, whereupon the Ministry of Defense in Moscow gave in and attributed the victory to the mercenary troop. “They are already biting each other over who should be credited with a tactical advance,” Zelenskyj commented on the dispute. This is already a “clear signal of failure”.

You can find older news about the war in Ukraine here.

(With material from dpa/AFP)

Anyone who doubts the size of the Russian Empire will be thrown off the bus. No matter how old the person is – even pensioners are forcibly thrown out. This is shown in a video that is currently circulating on social networks.

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