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Great detail: Tula policewomen were “celebrated” with gourds and balls

They would seem like images from celebrations of the last century, but no: like this, with a pin%&/#e gourd and a ball, it was like in Tula it was celebrated on May 10 for female police officers. Ahh, and since love was not lacking, also a rose.

The images – which are already running tasty on networks – were boasted by the very Secretary of Public Security and Municipal Transit of Tula de Allende, through its Facebook page.

Celebration of May 10 in Tula, Hidalgo / Photo: Facebook/sspmtulahgo

“All of us who make up this secretariat with great pride want to congratulate and recognize all the mothers on their day”, indicates the moving message from the authorities, which was seasoned with photos of the policewomen receiving their gifts.

Especially (we congratulate) those who belong to our corporation, who work daily for the benefit of society, without neglecting the education of their daughters and sons at home ”, It is added… and, of course, since the care of the children is recognized, well, they were sent a ball to play with them.

Celebration of May 10 in Tula, Hidalgo / Photo: Facebook/sspmtulahgo

As expected, the incredible and painful images were criticized by network users… obviously not in the original publication, where it seems that the respective mentions were deleted, but in accounts where the photographs were replicated.

“Aren’t they ashamed to publish the photos of the gifts they gave?” Said one of those who criticized the very austere gifts… although, incredible as it may seem, there were those who defended the “detail”: “If they don’t get it, it’s bad. If they give you a detail, it’s bad. What did you want, turkeys??? Get to work and be grateful. Ready”, pointed out one of the users on Twitter.

Celebration of May 10 in Tula, Hidalgo / Photo: Facebook/sspmtulahgo

Well, let’s say then that the little rose was more than enough, the ball was an extra… And yes, the plastic gourd could well be a small detail from the times of Vicente Fox, in which the Executive considered women as “two-legged washing machines.”

Another May 10 celebration that raised eyebrows was the one held in Oaxaca for unionized government workers. They had a stripper show… and even a special presentation by the singer Yahir. There you say which celebration you like the most.

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