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Greens on refugee numbers: Scholz must send a signal of support to municipalities

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

Osnabruck (ots)

Greens on refugee numbers: Scholz must send a signal of support to municipalities

Polat calls for financial aid – the federal government should relax accommodation rules for asylum seekers

Osnabruck. In view of the increasing number of refugees, the Greens in the Bundestag are calling on the federal government to help local authorities. Filiz Polat, parliamentary manager of the Greens parliamentary group, told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” that she expected Chancellor Olaf Scholz to “send a clear signal for appropriate financial support for the municipalities from the federal government; there needs to be a fair division of costs between the federal and state governments.” Cities, municipalities and districts must be financially relieved, Polat demanded. She suggested that the federal government should base its aid on its support from 2015 and 2016.

At the time, Berlin helped the states and municipalities with billions. Most recently, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) were skeptical about a stronger commitment from the federal government. On May 10, Chancellor Scholz and the representatives of the federal states will meet for a migration summit.

According to Polat, however, it is not only necessary to help with money: “In order to master the challenges, more flexibility must be made possible and bureaucracy reduced. To relieve the municipalities, the housing obligation in the initial reception facilities must be lifted now.” Similar to war refugees from the Ukraine, other refugees should also be allowed to stay with relatives who are already living in Germany. “The same applies to the ban on working or access to language and integration courses.”

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Original content from: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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