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Greta Thunberg arrested in Germany during a demonstration against the Lützerath mine

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg was arrested on Tuesday January 17 after a demonstration against a coal mine project in the Rhine basin, German police announced. ” The group [de manifestants, NDLR] is in custody”a police spokeswoman said, adding that anti-anthrax activists had headed “to the edge of the mine”. Photos released by AFP also show the figure of the climate movement being evacuated by the police.

Activists are protesting against the extension of an open-cast lignite mine by the energy company RWE, involving the disappearance of the village of Lützerath, between Düsseldorf and Cologne. This place, which has become a symbol of resistance to fossil fuels, had attracted thousands of protesters on Saturday, including Greta Thunberg.

What is happening in Lützerath, a German village resisting the expansion of a coal mine?

> More information to come

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