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Grindetti came out to detach himself from Maratea and in the networks they tell him about everything

In the midst of the suspicions generated by the collection that is carried out to settle Independiente’s doubts, the current president of the Avellaneda club, Néstor Grindetti, surprised with some statements about the collection and his role at the head of the institution.

On the one hand, the also mayor of Lanús, on leave in the municipality, announced that he wants to continue in the position of president of Rojo, although he clarified that he needs “a few days to organize”, although he maintained that being in charge of Rojo is “a pride”.

“You can be the mayor of Lanús and president of Independiente if you manage to order the club,” said the Macrista official on Radio La Red.

On the other hand, he tried to distance himself from the call made by Santiago Maratea to raise money.

“At Independiente we are very grateful that he had this initiative. How does he do it? That is his issue,” he launched.

These controversial expressions generated a stir and rejection on social networks:

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