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Grisberget’s ski tracks are hogged down by dog ​​owners in Piteå – the piste driver: “Got poo in the cutter”

Ulf Forsberg drives the municipality’s piste machine and testifies that many defy the ban. He prepares the tracks several times a week and more or less every time he comes across someone walking along the freshly groomed track.

And sometimes he sees dog owners resting their four-legged friends.

– We have put up signs and people are well aware of the ban. But by old tradition they still give a damn about it, says Ulf Forsberg.

“Not so nice to dig in the shit”

The residents of Piteå have no shortage of hiking trails. There are about ten miles of footpath, ice rink and snowmobile track to trudge on, but many still choose to walk along the Grisberget ski track.

For Ulf, it means a lot in the work. The bags with dog excrement have several times ended up under the machine.

– I got poo in the cutter and it’s not so nice to have to dig in the shit, says Ulf Forsberg.

In the clip, you can hear the piste driver who is saddened that the ban is not being respected.

The message on the prohibition signs on Grisberget in Piteå is clear. Walking or running on the trail during the snow period is not permitted. Photo: Jimmy Bäckström/SVT

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