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Growing marjoram bought at the supermarket: here are all the tips for growing it in pots or in the ground


Buying herbs at the supermarket is very common. One of these is certainly marjoram, widely used in the kitchen. To make it grow luxuriant and of high quality even at home, however, we must follow some simple advice. Here are all the tricks for growing marjoram in pots or in the ground.

Nowadays we can buy our plants everywhere. There are not only nurseries and specialized shops, but also i supermarkets. This also applies to the herbs of any kind. Among these we also find the marjoram, one of the most loved and used essences in our daily cooking. Originally from Asia, it is also used in the Mediterranean area. Furthermore, not everyone knows that it is the same species of oregano.

Its frequent use could lead us to buy a real plant to take care of at home. In this way we will be able to save money, without having to buy it every time. After buying it, however, we have to pay particular attention to it. By following the right advice, we can make it grow lush and quality.

Grow store-bought marjoram in just a few steps

The first tip to follow certainly concerns the ground. In fact, it is very important to choose the right one to allow the marjoram to grow in the best way. Let’s pour it into the ground dry and well drained. The biggest enemy of this plant is definitely water stagnation. Let us remember that also the climate it’s important. In fact, the best temperature definitely is the mild one. Furthermore, marjoram needs to stay in a sunny spot.

If we decide to plant it in the open ground, we must think first of all about irrigation. The life of our plant depends precisely on this decision. Marjoram is native to dry climates e Therefore it doesn’t need much water. Even one alone is often enough rain water. The period in which it requires the most water is certainly that immediately following the transfer, but afterwards we must avoid exaggerating. Like many plants, the ideal pruning is in February, but if we live in a particularly cold place, we should postpone it until autumn.

Plant marjoram in pots

We can also grow store-bought marjoram potted. We take a vase of medium size and we base theexpanded clay. In this way we will be able to avoid the most important water stagnations. We then take dry soil and let’s mix it with the sand. This way we will avoid excess water. Also in this case we water only when strictly necessary and in times of drought. We won’t have to worry about insects and parasites. This plant, in fact, generally them naturally repels.

The many properties of this aromatic plant

The part that is commonly used is that of leaves. They are used in the kitchen for sauces, first courses or condiments, but also for decoctions. Let’s use it fresh or driedso you can keep it. Marjoram has a great many positive properties for health, including vitamins and antioxidants. Adding it to our dishes may not only make us digest better, but also help us to relax.

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