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Grunde Myhrer on frightening developments: – You can’t join if you don’t take drugs

“Kompani Lauritzen” current Grunde Myhrer (26) has previously been open in the media that he has consciously made a choice to distance himself from alcohol.

During the premiere party for the fourth season of the TV 2 programme, Myhrer says that he still hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol in his life.

– I am still sober. Many are shocked by that, but perhaps it is the stamina I have there, then, that I dare to stand in that election.

The 26-year-old does not hide that it is difficult at times.

– It is one thing for me, who feels relatively confident in my choice, but for others it is more difficult.

– It is difficult now when you see how normalized things are becoming. Drinking and partying is one thing, but we also see drugs and other things – it’s a frightening development.

– Is not normal

Myhrer believes it is important to think about what should be normalized for young people.

– I think young people deserve to have people they can look up to, who stand for better values. I’m not saying they’re bad people, but there’s something about that… Yeah, it’s not normal. I’m a little provoked by it, actually.

He emphasizes that he believes it concerns a general culture, not individuals.

– That’s generally what I see on social media and otherwise, I think it’s cool to see.

The tip of the iceberg

The TV profile points out that it is a problem that has been there for a long time, which should be talked about more.

– I feel that the debate that is going on now is only the tip of the iceberg – or the snow mountain, so to speak. It puts the finger on a problem that has been there for a long time, that everyone really knows about, but no one talks about.

– I think it is possible to have fun in life and have good relationships, without resorting to alcohol and drugs in general.

Myhrer himself gives a number of lectures, where he shares experiences and answers questions about alcohol use.

– I think we need to talk about the difference between having fun and being happy, happy and having a good life. I think many people confuse having fun with being happy. After all, there are two things that don’t really go together.

Myhrer says that through the lectures he has met young people who have said that they find it difficult to say no.

– There is talk of both alcohol and drugs. In some circles it has become a division, where in some cases you are not allowed to participate if you do not take drugs. Then it becomes something completely different again.

KOMPANI LAURITZEN: Grunde Myhrer is current in Kompani Lauritzen, together with this gang. Photo: Espen Solli

– For me, it is important to pave the way, so I want to talk about it. I want to show that there is so much else that can be just as good.

– Can expect a lot of laughing

Myhrer first became known when he was a participant in “Paradise Hotel” in 2017. More recently, he has participated in programs such as “Skal vi Danse” and “Camp Culinaris”.

The reality star has also dabbled in swimming and invested heavily in sports. It is one of the reasons why he gave up alcohol in the first place.

On Saturday, the stage is set for the first episode of “Kompani Lauritzen”, where Myhrer is one of the recruits.

– You can expect a lot of laughter. There will be many tears, I guess I laugh because I am happy, sad and angry. For everything possible really. It will be tough, but the bond with the gang has been insanely good, he says to Good Evening Norway.

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