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Gruppe Wagner: Ex-mercenaries make brutal confession to war crimes against children

Some of the Wagner mercenaries were recruited in the penal camp.Image: IMAGO / SNA


Trigger warning: This text describes brutal war crimes committed by the Wagner group against children.

The Wagner group is the shadow army of Russia. Her boss: Yevgeny Prigozhin. The right hand of Putin and the man for the rough. For Russia’s dirtier deals.

Since Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine the Wagner group was involved in numerous brutal fights. In the past, Prigozhin, also known as Putin’s cook, deliberately publicly criticized the Russian army. Probably to look better himself with his group Wagner.

Now a particularly brutal order from him to his mercenaries has become public: In a published video interview, two formerly imprisoned ex-mercenaries made a violent confession.

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Wagner boss Prigoschin is said to have given brutal execution orders

The Russian human rights organization Gulagu based in France recently published a video interview with ex-Wagner mercenaries. It featured shocking confessions to war crimes committed against children and young people.

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigoshin is said to have given the order for this. The Interview was conducted with two former commanders of Wagner PMC units, believed to have been recruited under the Putin-Prigozhin program, also known as Project K – in penal colonies.

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin is also known as Putin’s chef.Bild: IMAGO / ITAR-TASS

Former prisoner of penal colony 13 of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service in the Saratov region, Azamat Uldarov, was personally pardoned by Putin last year. Just like the ex-prisoner of penal colony-1 of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service in the Voronezh region, Alexei Savichev. They were then sent to war under Prigozhin.

Azamat Uldarov and Alexei Savichev were interviewed for a week by Gulagu founder Vladimir Osechkin, according to the Human Rights Organization.

Ex-Wagner mercenaries confess to murdering children and young people

“How many civilians were shot in February 2023? And how many of them were teenagers?” Osechkin asked in one of the interviews. One of the ex-mercenaries replied, “I don’t know, about 24, 20 maybe.” Osechkin asked: “And you were unarmed, no uniform, civilian clothes?”

The mercenary confirmed this and added: “When they pulled up their underwear, lifted their arms, their tattoos showed. There was no other way.” He stressed, “We shot them more for their tattoos than for what they might be up to.”

In addition, the ex-mercenaries admitted in the interview that they had blown up a pit with more than 50 wounded prisoners and the so-called “500”.

The “500” are those who decided not to go to war any further, but also to refuse orders to kill Ukrainians. Also, the ex-mercenaries confessed to searching homes and killing everyone, including the Kinder.

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