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Guatemala: the Fuego volcano erupts

Volcán de Fuego en Guatemala.

The National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh) of Guatemala reported that the Fuego volcano erupted affecting several surrounding communities with its ashes.

The Institute and the System of the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (Conred) they explained who have registered around 5 to 11 explosions per hour, all of them between weak and moderate. However, volcanic activity is generating columns of gas and ash at 4,500 and 4,800 meters above sea level that are moving west at distances of 15 to 30 kilometers, which is affecting areas of: Panimaché, Santa Sofía, Morelia, Sangre de Cristo, El Porvenir, Yucales and Yepocapa.

The explosions are also producing weak avalanches that vibrate the roofs of houses near the volcano. “In the afternoon and night, the rains can cause the descent of lahars in the different ravines of the volcano, mainly in the ash canyon“, warned Insivumeh.

santiaguito volcano

In the early hours of the morning, weak explosions were also observed in thethe Santiaguito volcanocausing columns of gas and ash that reach 3 thousand meters above sea level.

Authorities monitor volcanic activity

The Conred explained that the volcanic activity is being constantly monitored so that in the event of any change, the necessary security measures can be activated and alert in case of emergency.

“CONRED invites the population to find out daily about volcanic activity in the country through the reports that are made known through the social networks of CONRED and INSIVUMEH, in addition to being attentive to the decrease in lahars due to possible rains that could register in the afternoon and night hours, “he reported.

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