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Guatemalan President Pledges Allegiance to Taiwan

Taipei. Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei pledged yesterday to remain Taiwan’s “solid diplomatic ally” during a visit to the democratically-ruled island that has drawn criticism from China.

The ruler, who arrived on Monday for a four-day visit, defended his relations with Taiwan at a welcome ceremony in Taipei.

“Rest assured that Guatemala will continue to stand by the Republic of Taiwan as a solid diplomatic ally and deepen relations in all areas,” he said.

The Central American country is one of the few countries that still recognize Taiwan, a list that has been shortened in recent years by Beijing’s attempt to isolate Taipei internationally.

Hours later before the Taiwanese Parliament, Giammattei lashed out at China for the pressure against Taiwan, asking the international community to “be in solidarity with those who are under constant siege from the other side of the Taiwan Strait.”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a strong criticism of Giammattei after his remarks on the “Republic of Taiwan”.

“There is no way out for those who advocate Taiwan’s so-called independence,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning told a news conference.

“If we are allowed to give a little advice to the government of Alejandro Giammattei: do not side with the malicious, do not act for your own selfish interests and go against international affairs and the wishes of the Guatemalan people,” the statement concluded. .

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