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Guido Bellido asks that Pedro Castillo and Alejandro Toledo have access to a telephone in Barbadillo

Guido Bellido asks that Pedro Castillo and Alejandro Toledo have access to a telephone in Barbadillo

Fujimori, 84, is serving a 25-year prison sentence for human rights abuses and only left that prison for a few months between 2017 and 2018, when he received a pardon from former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, which was later annulled.

The congressman’s request occurs the same week that the Supreme Court of Preparatory Investigation of the Supreme Court of Justice He ordered the assets of Castillo and the former premier to be seized Anibal Torres, for up to 67 million soles, in defense of the civil reparation requested as a result of the failed self-coup.

Former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo in a file photograph. EFE/Elvis González

According to the lawyer, when the former president announced the closure of Congress and that he was going to rule by decree and intervene in the Judiciary, he only read “a message to the nation and nothing else.”

This Thursday, a new hearing for the protection of rights requested by the defense of Pedro Castillo was held.
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