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Gun violence summons state legislators to the White House

Gun violence summons state legislators to the White House

WASHINGTON.– The White House will host about 100 lawmakers from across the country on Wednesday to discuss ways to reduce gun violence.

The Office to Prevent Gun Violence, the first of its kind, was created this year by President Joe Biden. It has developed a series of guidelines to help states take action in six areas, including the creation of agencies similar to the federal agency, strengthening support for families of victims and campaigns to emphasize responsible gun ownership.

“We’ve been meeting with state legislators since we created the office, and one thing we always hear is that they want to do more to reduce gun violence,” said Stefanie Feldman, director of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. “The question is, what should they do and how?”

Legislators from 39 states will attend the meeting, including Nevada, where a gunman killed three teachers and wounded a fourth at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas last week. The attacker had a list of victims and more than 150 pieces of ammunition, police said.

Vice President Kamala Harris heads the office and will meet with lawmakers Wednesday.

Biden has described gun violence as “the worst superstorm” that affects not only the victims but the daily lives of community members. His administration says the response to gun violence should be similar to the response to natural disasters. The Office of Gun Violence Prevention is an effort to create a centralized federal government response and a place where communities can turn for resources.

The issue features heavily in Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign, which seeks to appeal to young voters deeply dismayed by gun violence. The president has also asked that a ban be approved on the possession of assault rifles.

Before the meeting, the Justice Department drafted model legislation that lawmakers can submit to their respective legislatures on safe gun storage and ways to report lost or stolen guns. Some school shootings, for example, have been carried out with weapons from home or a friend’s house. Lost or missing guns often end up being used in crimes.

Source: With information from AP

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