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Gustavo Quinteros is not satisfied despite the victory of Colo Colo: “We did not play as we would like”

National ChampionshipComments

The Santa Fe strategist analyzed what was the victory against the Arab team, where he valued having achieved the three points against a tough rival and regretted that the physical load is being felt after the string of matches this month.

© Colo Colo.Gustavo Quinteros is not satisfied despite the triumph of Colo Colo.

Colo Colo carried out the task and took very important three points after defeating Palestino 3-1 at the Monumental Stadium with scores of Carlos Palacios y Alexander Orozin a match valid for date 11 of the 2023 National Championship.

El Cacique took advantage of the setbacks of the leaders and with this victory he reached 18 points, placing himself in sixth place in the standings and four lengths behind the leader. Huachipato.

Gustavo Quinteros is left with a bitter taste after the victory and regrets the physical load

Once the commitment was over, Gustavo Quinteros spoke with the TNT Sports signal, where he valued having achieved the three points against a difficult rival and regretted that the physical load is being felt after the string of games.

In the first instance, the DT maintained that “I’m happy because they got three points against a rival that’s coming and they played very well. He pressured us, he won most of the duels, we lost a lot of the duels offensively. The balls came back quickly, they attacked us with crossed balls”.

Although we had two or three situations to convert and secure the result, they also came to us with crossed balls behind the defense and played a great game.. We had three or four players that this is his third game in four days and they felt it. We did not have that intensity, pressure and recovery that we have in other games”, he complemented.

Asked about the rotation that occurred in this meeting, the strategist stated that “we analyze the studies that the doctors give us to see if the recovery is ideal or not, and those who were not well recovered we preferred to leave them and let them wait. Today Bolados was on the bench”.

I think we take care of them because they are in danger in the muscular part. We take care of him and other players and protect them. We were able to get a very tough result, where we didn’t play as well as we wanted, but at least we scored the goals and we were able to win”, he added.

Finally, he referred to Palacios’ presentation and took the opportunity to give him homework. “Carlos has a goal. Every time he has more minutes he gains more confidence. You can improve more in every way with the minutes and also physically, because it was stopped for a long time and had no continuity. So that takes him a while to get to the ideal measurements. We are happy because we won a very tough game after the third game in four days and that is very important ”, he closed.

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