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Habeck reprimands coalition partners: Ampel-Zoff because of “cheap tactics”

There is no solution to the heating noise in the traffic light coalition. Economics Minister Habeck is now going into attack mode.

As understanding, pragmatic, almost tolerant, the Greens have been in the past few months traffic light coalition been noticed. In view of the poor to catastrophic state election results, members of the party bit their tongues time and time again, allowing the coalition partner FDP to do their bit in many places. Public disputes, so the internal understanding, ultimately harm everyone – and above all the success of the coalition.

Apparently that patience is over now. Economics Minister Robert Habeck did not hide his frustration with the current situation within the coalition at the opening of the Green parliamentary group retreat in Weimar on Tuesday afternoon. “It cannot be that in a progressive coalition only one coalition partner is responsible for progress and the others for that prevention of progress,” Habeck complained.

Habeck complains of sabotage by the coalition partner

That same evening he followed up on the ARD daily topics: The government coalition is currently “not doing enough for the people,” said Habeck. Above all, one thing clearly annoys the minister: the draft law for an amendment to the Building Energy Actwhich also calls for an end to oil and gas heating by 2024, was leaked long before it should have.

The draft was “leaked deliberately in order to damage trust in the government,” explained the Vice-Chancellor – and threw the coalition partner a conscious Sabotage before. The talks within the coalition were “probably destroyed on purpose, because of the cheap tactical advantage,” said Habeck.

Also read:“Hard but fair”: The heating ban backfires

The economics minister’s plans met with fierce resistance not only from the opposition and associations, but also from his own coalition partners. SPD Prime Minister criticized the project as unrealistic, the FDP spoke of a “scrapping orgy”. Habeck’s project for a heat transition is only the biggest noise among numerous discrepancies that currently exist.

SPD calls for a “different working mode”

The SPD tried to smooth things over on Wednesday – not without a somewhat annoyed undertone. In order to achieve the goals we have set ourselves as a coalition, “we have to get into a different working mode,” said SPD leader Lars Klingbeil on Wednesday the “Rheinische Post” and the ARD. “This is an appeal to all three parties in government. These public disputes must stop now.” For the SPD, in any case, he has these “clear expectations”.

Klingbeil recalled that there were “major tasks” to solve. “The public Streit the last few days, the mutual reproach, that’s not what we need right now to move the country forward,” said the SPD leader. The SPD, Greens and FDP will meet on Sunday for the coalition committee. What a solution to the ongoing dispute could look like is completely open a few days beforehand.

More on the subject: Ban on gas and oil heating: How the conversion will cost you

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