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Had a prolapse after the poo scene

On Sunday evening, the stage was set for the anniversary party for “Neste sommer”. The comedy series celebrated the fact that they have recorded a total of 100 episodes. Good evening Norway was present during the anniversary party, and had a chat with the actors.

The actors talked about ups and downs over the last ten years.

SANDER: Eivind Sander during the launch of the spring programs for TVNorge and Discovery Network. (2016) Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

– Turned on me prolapse in the neck

Eivind Sander, who plays Terje in the series, could say that he has had his share of injuries during the filming of the comedy series

– There have been many injuries over the years. Fingers crossed, I also tore up a foot down the rock face. We also had a scene where I had to escape out the window, and managed to hit my head on the window sill so hard that I started bleeding. I also broke two fingers already during the first take of the first scene, says the actor to God kveld Norge.

Sander is the comedy series’ bad luck bird, and tells of the time he “pressed a prolapse”.

– I suffered a prolapse in my neck. We recorded a scene where Terje had diarrhea in the forest. And when I played counterplay, I pushed so hard that I forced a prolapse. So then it was straight to the emergency room and to the chiropractor. I am well known at the emergency room, says Sander about the incident.

– He gives everything, says Janne Formoe about his colleague.

GOOD FRIENDS: – We belong together, Nyutstumo said of colleague Ellen Horn. Photo: Little Kristin Fenstad

– It’s a wonder we’re still alive

– We belong together, Ellen, so I will be moral support and correct you if you say something wrong, John Nyutstumo tells co-star Ellen Horn.

To God kveld Norge they say that they feel enormous pride at having recorded 100 episodes. Ten years is a long time and they reminisce about all the adventures from recording. They think it is very nice that those who are older are allowed to join.

– It is a miracle that we are still alive, after so much we have been exposed to. I will never give up. I’ll come with a walker if I have to, says a laughing Nyutstumo.

Ellen likes the series very much as she recognizes the cottage life.

She tells about a cabin neighbor who thinks it is far too embarrassing to watch “Next Summer”.

John recognizes himself well in what Ellen tells. Once he met a strange lady at the Vinmonopolet who had to cover her eyes when she saw John.

Confused, he thought he had an open bib or food between his teeth, before the woman said she thought the series was far too embarrassing.

Almost drowned while filming

They reveal that although they mainly only have good memories from recording, there has been a lot of freezing. It is not easy to wear a mask and trip around as it is full sun and summer.

To handle such scenes you have to be a good actor, they both agree.

– I can actually swim, but in one scene I had to pretend I couldn’t. Then I was actually drowning. I sank like a stone.

JONER: Johannes Joner on the red carpet for the film “The Wave”. (2015) Photo: Berit Roald

Per Ivar or Per Arne?

– It won’t be a proper summer until we’ve been recording, says Johannes Joner.

The actor who plays the Foreman in the comedy series finds it completely surreal that 100 episodes have passed so quickly.

He explains the experience as a nice trip with good friends. That’s what summer has been for ten years, and he would like ten more.

He has several favorite episodes, but stands out when he stepped on a rake that hits him in the middle of the head, before a hammer also crashes into his head.

He thought it was extra fun both to record and to see afterwards because of how technically difficult it was to achieve. He admits he had a good laugh when he saw the episode for the first time.

He found the funniest thing about his own character to be the name confusion.

Instead of saying Per Ivar, he calls the well-chairman Per Arne. He also mixes up these names in reality.

– Now I have told Per Arne for ten years, and then I think I will continue with it.

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