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Hadj 2023 – Algeria: the Government announces a price reduction

Preparations for the holy Hajj period are in full swing. Some are busy reserving their tickets, while others are still trying to raise the necessary funds for this coveted pilgrimage. Good news for medium-sized scholarships, the Council of Ministers has ruled in favor ofa significant price reduction in force. An initiative aimed at opening access to the Holy Lands to more Algerian pilgrims and allowing more faithful to perform the sacred rites at the dawn of the financial crisis facing the country.

READ ALSO: The price of Hajj 2022 finally unveiled in Algeria

Hadj 2023: price reduction in force by ministerial order

This Sunday, April 16, the Government met around a Council of Ministers to discuss several issues. One of them was precisely the price of the Hadj for this year 2023. Subject which, at the end of the Council, ended up being the subject of a decision of consequent reduction of the price in force. Before this reform, the tariff price of the Hajj in Algeria was set at 850,000.00 DA. It now goes to 770,000.00 DAa reduction of approximately 10% from the initial price.

READ ALSO: Hajj 2022: Tebboune orders a price drop

Remember that last year’s prices had also been the subject of a state subsidy. After the announcement of the prices of the ONPO (national office of pilgrimage and Omra), President Tebboune decided, in June 2022, to lower the price from 856,100.00 DA to 756,100.00 DA.

The list of travel agencies for Hajj 2023 revealed

In a statement released earlier, the ONPO had compiled a list of travel agencies supporting Hajj and Umrah for the 2023 season. 43 agencies dispatched all over the countryin addition to the National Tourism and Travel Agency and the National Tourist Office.

READ ALSO: Hajj 2023 for Algerians: the list of travel agencies revealed

This listing is distributed evenly over the 5 main airports of the country, namely: Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Annaba and Ouargla.

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