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Halloween rapist flees for fear of deportation – and is caught again

The refugee summit of the federal and state governments ended with a policy paper, the implementation of which still has to be discussed. Although asylum procedures are to be accelerated in the future and deportations carried out more quickly, the deportation freeze to Afghanistan, which has been in effect since the Afghan government was overthrown by the Taliban in 2021, remains in place.

The Halloween rapist from Illerkirchberg benefits from this: He was in court for the fourth time this week, this time for violating the conditions of probation. The man did serve his prison sentence, but after his imprisonment he violated instructions during the conduct supervision. That’s what they reported Bildnewspaper that the Afghan fled to France without informing the authorities.

The district court of Ulm saw this allegation as proven in the main hearing. The 30-year-old has now been fined. But the authorities also want the perpetrator out of the country: The special team “Dangerous Foreigners” of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior is said to have even offered Mohtajar N. money so that he could leave the country.

Mohtajar N. traveled to France without the knowledge of the authorities

Mohtajar N. was involved with other men in the rape of a 14-year-old girl in a refugee accommodation in Illerkirchberg in 2019. He was serving a sentence of two years and two months in prison. After his release from prison, he was supposed to be deported, but this was not possible because the federal government had classified Afghanistan as an unsafe country of origin.

He was therefore ordered to report to the police weekly and to stay in the Alb-Donau district. However, he did not comply: he left for France for a short time because he said he was “afraid” of being deported. However, he did not report this to the authorities. He submitted a new application for asylum in France, but the French sent him back to Germany, writes the “Bild” newspaper. The Halloween rapist was received by German officials on the Rhine bridge near Kehl.

“Ultimately nobody wants you here”

The public prosecutor then demanded a prison sentence of four months on probation and 70 hours of community service – the defender of the perpetrator, however, pleaded for acquittal. In the end, the Ulm district court saw the allegations confirmed, but cited numerous mitigating circumstances, so that the 30-year-old was sentenced to a total fine of 100 daily rates of 10 euros. In his verdict, the judge showed understanding for Mohtajar N.’s departure: “Humanly” he could understand that, “ultimately nobody wants you here,” said the judge.

On the other hand, the lawyer for the 30-year-old Afghan criticizes the “Augsburg GeneralThe way the media treats his client. According to the newspaper, the reporting is partly a “campaign” and a “hunt”.

The fact that many want to get rid of the convict is also evident elsewhere: The special team “Dangerous Foreigners” of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior is said to have offered the rejected asylum seeker 1,000 euros several times if he returned to Afghanistan, reports the “Bild”. Convicted, however, did not accept the offer.

Gentges calls for the deportation rules to be relaxed

The Baden-Württemberg Migration Minister Marion Gentges is also calling on the federal and state governments to relax the deportation rules. The CDU politician said on Wednesday in a state parliament debate in Stuttgart: “For serious criminals and threats, transfers to countries of origin such as Afghanistan should not be ruled out per se.” In addition, she called for them “with all legal, economic, diplomatic means”. Influencing countries of origin that did not cooperate sufficiently with returns. According to Gentges, the deportation of people without a right to stay is part of the consistent application of the right to asylum.

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