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Halo remains with 343 Industries: the series will continue as long as there is Xbox, says Phil Spencer

In addition to admitting that Xbox 2022 has disappointed in terms of publications of first party productions, Phil Spencer discussed the future of the Halo series and the development team at 343 Industries.

Recently hit by a series of layoffs, 343 Industries will continue to manage Halo, as we had already learned through a post from the software house. Spencer told himself satisfied with the launch of the sci-fi shooterstating that 343 played “a great job of launching a great Halo game”but at the same time stressed that the Post-launch support could have been handled better.

As for the future, the home of Halo will remain 343 Industries, net of partners who will be able to collaborate on future projects. The series – Spencer also kept us specified – will always continue to be a symbol of Xbox gaming.

“Halo will remain critical to what Xbox is doing, and 343 is critical to the success of Halo. In terms of supporting studios and things like that, partners are just part of the development. But the heart and soul of Halo is with 343 and the team that is there, and I have the utmost confidence in their future plans.” Specifically, Spencer anticipated that in the future of Halo there are “some other things, some rumors, others announced“.

The Xbox leader then added: “Halo will always be one of those things in my mind that is part of the Xbox tradition, part of its foundation. I expect that we will continue to support and grow Halo as long as Xbox exists as a platform. So I think the timeline goes on forever in line with Xbox, and I want to make sure the team is ready to succeed.”.

Finally, Spencer reiterated that he was extremely sorry for the layoffs in 343 Industries, also in this case personally assuming the blame for the personnel cuts in the Microsoft gaming division.

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