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Harassed because of his homosexuality, Lucas, 13, commits suicide

His mother had repeatedly reported the teasing and remarks of which his son was the victim.

Reading time: 1 min

VSt is a real tragedy that occurred in France, in the Vosges. According to information from BFM TV, Lucas, a 13-year-old, committed suicide.

According to our colleagues, the boy was harassed because of his homosexuality. His mother had repeatedly reported the teasing and remarks to which his son was subjected, but that was not enough.

“His mother called for help several times. The school did not react as it should, ”says a relative of the family.

The family has decided to file a complaint.

Suicide prevention line in Belgium

Don’t be left alone with your suffering! Volunteers from the Suicide Prevention Center can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 32 123 anonymously and free of charge. For a psychological crisis consultation or support for bereavement after suicide, you can make an appointment on 0491 37 06 72.

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