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Harga – college students, 3 individuals implicated in pre-trial detention

The Ain Defla court ordered detention on remand of three individuals. Indeed, they are involved in a case of Harga, whose victims are three college students of the CEM in the commune of Rouina in Ain Defla. To tell the truth, the figures of the Harga phenomenon recorded recently reflect a terrible reality!

Often fleeing difficult living conditions, young Algerians have found refuge in the Harga, hoping to have a better life on the other side of the Mediterranean. However, it seems that this trend has even affected teenagers! According to what the Arabic-speaking daily reports Ennaharthe harragas are two young girls and a boy, aged between 13 and 14 years old.

It should be noted that the facts of this case date back to January 9, as reported by the aroused media source. On that day, the security services of the municipality of Rouina received a notice of disappearance of three minors. To this end, the responsible services have opened an investigation. This made it possible to discover more details about this case. Moreover, the main concerned were found in another wilaya.

The judicial services get their hands on 213 million cents

As mentioned above, the investigations opened have made it possible to find the three missing students. They went to the wilaya of Annaba, in accordance with the instructions of the gang members. This in order to leave Algeria aboard the boats of death. Knowing that the members of the said group were in contact with the victims via the social network Facebook.

The same operation resulted in the arrest of a person involved in this affair who was with the college students. As well as two other people from the wilaya of Constantine. The security services got their hands on a large sum of money, estimated at 213 million centimes. Beyond a quantity of jewelry.

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