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Hartz IV: That’s why job centers will receive masses of Christmas cards in 2022

A flood of Christmas cards reached the job centers – many were written by Ukrainians. The reason for the post is curious.

The job centers in Germany received a surprising number of Christmas cards this year. Much of it was broadcast by people fleeing Ukraine. They thank you for the services you have received and wish the employees all the best.

What at first seemed like a friendly gesture Appreciation seems, but is actually on disinformation attributed to social networks.

Job center: Videos on TikTok spread false information

Spread especially on the short video platform TikTok videoswhere people on Russian or Ukrainian report that the German job centers would pay out a bonus of around 100 euros if you sent them a Christmas card.

This information is wrong, but is apparently taken seriously by many and reaches hundreds of thousands of people. In one clip, a young woman claims that one for the bonus just one christmas card and need an envelope. The video has since been viewed more than 400,000 times.

Hartz IV: Ukrainian refugees are entitled

The videos apparently cause a flood of mail for the job centers in many cities. So said a spokeswoman for Hamburg Job centre at the request of the “Hamburger Morgenpost”, they are working closely with the city’s Ukrainian auxiliary staff to make it clear that this is misinformation. “We want to inform together to avoid disappointment.”

For example, there is a corresponding note on the website of the Wolfsburg job center: “We have received many Christmas and greeting cards in the last few days and weeks. We would like to inform you that you do not have a Christmas bonus received for a written card!” it says. “Nevertheless, we are very happy about every Christmas card.”

Employable Ukrainian refugees and their families have been entitled to Hartz IV benefits since June 1, 2022 and are therefore looked after by the job centers. If the ability to work is restricted or those affected are entitled to old-age pensions, the social services responsible.


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