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Havana banks have no cash: thousands of retirees without being able to collect their pensions

Havana banks have no cash: thousands of retirees without being able to collect their pensions

Currently at least seven banks of Havana do not have cash to deliver to their clientsas declared to CUBA DAILY several affected by the situation.

“The shipment has been in the banks for exactly ten days and it has not been possible to obtain it. It is a situation in the country, ATMs do not have money for retirees. People who have savings accounts are going to the bank to get their money and the bank is not paying them. We have taken our receipt to seven different banks throughout Havana and it has not been possible to collect it,” explained a woman who preferred to remain anonymous.

“Just yesterday there were almost ten families literally causing a scandal in a bank because they have not been able to collect much larger drafts, but also some very small ones. They are family money orders that they are trying to collect and there is no response. The answer is that there is no money.”he added.

“If they sent me the money in MLC,” he continued, “I can’t pay for transportation, you can’t pay for the purchase of equipment, you can’t buy candy, you need the money physically. The MLC doesn’t exist, that’s a lie. The only thing left is to ask what time they estimate, because they are even signing up on paper to make a reservation.”

“The ATMs are literally empty, Retirees cannot collect their pensions either at ATMs or at the same banks. This situation has been going on for at least two weeks. Everything is arbitrary. It has been asked if there is any official resolution on this and the answer is no. The only thing left is to claim for the operations that are made. That is the reality that is being lived, “the woman concluded about the possible solutions to her case.

Another Cuban affected by this chaos told CUBA DAILY: “When I asked, they told me that everything started from an email that was received at the different branches of Banco Metropolitano. This is how they told them that they could not give sums of money (…) I went to the Banco del Mónaco, Metropolitano as well, and they gave me the same information. The person who attended me told me that I could go to all the places I wanted, that they were going to tell me the same thing. I told them that if this was not covered by any resolution, they were acting illegally because they were kidnapping money from the public.”

The problem with the availability of money in Cuba has affected the population in recent months. Last April it was news the establishment of a limitation to the private sector to withdraw cash at ATMs. With this measure they intended to put an end to the shortage of tickets and the malfunctioning of the equipment, before which frequent queues are formed.

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