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Have you lost concentration and can no longer study? You may need these supplements

Ginkgo biloba leaf

If you can no longer study because you are not concentrated, you could use these alternative methods…

Whether it’s the winter or summer session, concentration is the most important thing for a university student. In reality, concentration in study is not only necessary in a university course. So much so that even many kids who go to school feel the need to recharge their energies to deal better with the teaching material and choose the path of supplements. Obviously, however, this choice must not be made without a criterion. It is always good to inquire from a nutritionist, a pharmacist about the supplement to choose. For this reason, today we see which are the most suitable and we will examine them.

What supplements make you concentrate

We can draw up a list of 5 supplements that are most recommended:

  • ginkgo biloba;
  • C vitamin;
  • vitamin B12;
  • magnesium;
  • B vitamins.

Have you lost concentration and can no longer study? This could be the solution

These would be the top 5. They are certainly not the only vitamins or substances that make you concentrate, but they would seem to be the most effective ones.

Ginkgo biloba

It is not a very well known plant. In herbal medicine we can find different formulations. For our health it is one of the most recommended plants. Indeed thanks to its nutritional values it would seem to be perfect for memory loss and concentration. It often happens that you cannot remember that date in history or the processes of biochemistry. By assuming ginkgo biloba in a moderate way and under advice, our study could obtain excellent results.

Vitamins of group B and C

From the vitamin c we already know its usefulness regarding the immune system. It happens that in times of stress this vitamin is lacking. Among the symptoms there is precisely the deconcentration. To understand if we are in a vitamin deficit, it will simply be enough to carry out blood tests, in order to be able to replenish if there is a real need. As for the vitamins of group B and in particular the B12, this is essential for our brain. It serves precisely for the development of cognitive activities. Also in this case we could be in deficit and it could cause a worsening of memory. Regardless of the deficiency, if you want to improve your concentration performance it can be taken safely.


Magnesium is a mineral salt that we find in many supplements, often associated with phosphorus or potassium. We can integrate it, as well as vitamins, through food. Foods rich in magnesium are beans, spinach and we also find it in some seeds. Its function in our body is to regulate energy metabolism. When magnesium levels fail, we may be more dull and consequently less concentrated. Often, as we have already said, stress is the main cause of vitamin or mineral salt deficiencies.

Precisely for this reason, in periods like this it is good to know how to keep calm and try to take things more philosophically. For fear of a bad grade or a failure, we cannot risk sending our body into decompensation. If you have lost concentration we can try to lend a hand to the body and mind through small and effective maneuvers.

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