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Havsresa will attract children to interact at Dunker’s cultural center in Helsingborg

Now it’s all painted and screwed at Dunker’s cultural center. The exhibition “Havsresan” opens this weekend, which focuses on a number of historical events that took place in the Öresund between Helsingborg and Helsingör.

– We always try to make use of the local history. This time we have chosen to make the expression more cartoonish and pop than rooted in reality, says Axel Swanstein, exhibition producer.

“Big wreck the coolest”

At the exhibition, visitors can, among other things, encounter the ship Morgonstjerna, which sank in the war between Sweden and Denmark in 1658, or get to sit in a yellow submarine and make their way beneath the surface.

– I think the big wreck and the mountain are the coolest. It was cool when you stepped through the door, says Neo Green Jackobsson, 9 years old, who is one of the children who got to test the exhibition before the premiere.

Watch as the children test the Sea Journey in the clip above.

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