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He asked for 40,000 pesos to start a business, and fled

Chihuahua, Chih.- Elements of the State Investigation Agency (AEI) attached to the South Zone District Prosecutor’s Office, arrested Iván David FB by means of an arrest warrant, for his probable responsibility in the crime of fraud.

The arrest took place on April 12 when the investigators moved to the city of Chihuahua and captured the man when he was in a shopping mall in the Saucito neighborhood, in the city of Chihuahua.

The investigation records document that, in March 2019, he convinced the victim to partner with him to start a business and contribute 40,000 pesos, to then eliminate all communication with her and appropriate the aforementioned financial amount.

Following up on the capture, investigating agents transferred the defendant to the city of Parral, where he was made available to the court that required him at the request of the Public Ministry that will formulate the accusation against him.

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