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He denounced that he could be paralyzed after being run over by a Gendarmerie mobile

Friday, February 3, 2023 | 5:00 a.m.

A man from Pozo Azul is admitted to the Samic de Eldorado in a delicate state of health after allegedly being run over by a National Gendarmerie mobile phone, in the rural area of ​​said municipality. The fact generates concern and repudiation in the community -mobilizations were made- because the victim, identified as Ronaldo Dos Santos (26), could lose the mobility of his lower limbs.

Likewise, from the family they initiated a complaint against the troops involved before the Federal Court of Eldorado, in charge of Judge Miguel Ángel Guerrero. The presentation was made by the victim’s sister, Susana Dos Santos, accompanied by the lawyer Gerardo Ayala.

From the National Gendarmerie, meanwhile, they stated that the complainant lost control of his motorcycle when he ran over a log in the middle of an operation against the seizure of land and illegal hunting. The procedure was carried out by the San Pedro Section, dependent on Bernardo de Irigoyen’s Squadron 12 in conjunction with the Monte Special Operations Unit.

As El Territorio was able to reconstruct based on the complainants, there would be two troops who participated in the event, whom they consider responsible for the crimes of very serious qualified injuries, aggravated cover-up, abuse of authority and breach of the duties of a public official, threats, Illegal humiliations and pressures, after colliding and passing over Dos Santos with the mobile.

The event occurred on January 26, when Ronaldo was returning home after completing work to fix wire posts, plant corn, and harvest tobacco on a property that is located past the so-called farm, 1,000 hectares of Pozo Azul. The man was mobilizing on a motorcycle, a Honda Bross, on an alternative path that crosses the farm of a family named García.

In that section, which allows him to save several kilometers towards his house, he met a man who was riding a horse and they began a conversation. In that instance, the cell phone of the National Gendarmerie appeared in front of him.

The man on horseback immediately got off the animal and began a quick flight on foot towards the bush area, to which the gendarmes responded with shots. According to his statement, this situation made Ronaldo scared, since he had a shotgun in his possession, so he turned his motorcycle back along the road that came for about 1500 meters, being chased by the cell phone of the police. force.

As it is a narrow road, where there is barely room for a car, with no safe space to stop on the edges, the man would have signaled for the vehicle to slow down so that he could stop.

“My brother raised his hand as a sign that he was going to stop, but he heard shots again from the gendarmes, so he continued his march for approximately 500 more meters and again raised his hand as a sign that he was going to stop. At that moment, the patrol hit him from the back of his motorcycle, he fell to the ground and the truck ran over him, ”said the complainant.

The man was left lying on the ground, in severe pain. The gendarmes got out of the mobile, not to assist him but to threaten and intimidate him, since -always according to the complaint- one stepped on his face and the other knelt on his back to handcuff him.

Ronaldo expressed that he begged to lose consciousness from the pain. However, the uniformed officers hit his face, trying to get him to react because they told him “don’t be a fagot, nothing happened to you, get up.” When they removed the belt where he was carrying ammunition, they only noticed the serious injuries.

Apparently in that instance they took off his handcuffs and put him in the patrol car. Ronaldo lost consciousness again and was woken up again by blows to the face, and repeated “don’t look” and “don’t say anything about this to anyone, you shouldn’t talk because it won’t go well for you.”

They took him to the San Pedro hospital, where the man’s mother told what had happened. As a result of his serious injuries, he was referred to the Samic of Eldorado, in the company of the uniformed men, who continued with the threats.

At Samic, he was treated and the uniformed officers remained for two days guarding the outskirts of the hospital, where Ronaldo remains hospitalized as a result of the multiple injuries caused by the impact.

mother pain

“The doctors informed us that he probably will not walk again, since he has a fractured pelvis with pubic diastasis, a serious injury to the testicles and abdominal area, multiple wounds and abrasions on his waist, a perforation of a lung and he has several probes to expel liquids”, detailed Ereondina de Olivera, mother of Dos Santos in dialogue with El Territorio.

The woman, in the midst of the impotence and pain that a mother feels when she sees the situation in which her son finds himself, whom the locals defined as a working boy, asked for justice: “It is cowardice, that is not even done for an animal, my son is not a bandit, he is not a thief for them to do what they did. What I most want is for my son to walk again, for him to go back to being that happy boy everyone loves and for those bandits to pay for what they did. May God and those who have the power to do it, do justice.”

What the mother said was revealed on Monday, when residents of Colonia Unida, Puente Alto, called on themselves to demand justice and in any case take action. They suspect that the wrongdoing would be related to the situation of irregular occupation of lands in which the event occurred, a situation to which, they say, Ronaldo has no implications.

From his environment they insisted that he does not belong to the group that tries to occupy the place and that the goods he owns were achieved with work and effort.

The GNA report

Meanwhile, from the Gendarmerie, it was disseminated through an official document to the press that “in the framework of the fulfillment of the mission assigned to the Argentine National Gendarmerie, an important procedure was carried out with the seizure of firearms, in the City of San Pedro, province of Misiones”, at noon on January 26.

According to the report, the sentinels were alerted by the owner of a property who had noticed the presence of supposed hunters and predators of the native fauna, and authorized the troops to enter the place to carry out a procedure. It was when they met Ronaldo and another man, both on the motorcycle and with weapons.

The version of the force is that the motorcycle fled and a “controlled follow-up along a winding road” began. The official report details that at a certain moment one of them took away a firearm and Rolando, for his part, ended up “running over a log and falling to the ground.”

Faced with this report, Ronaldo’s defense argued “It is nonsense that my brother collided with a tree, since on his motorcycle it is possible to see the blows of the strong impact on the back, which came to bend the luggage rack, which would be impossible because then I had to ride a motorcycle in reverse gear at very high speed”.

In this context, while waiting for a prosthesis that exceeds a million and a half pesos, Rolando also faces a criminal case in charge of the First Investigating Court of San Pedro for possession of a weapon for civilian use, invasion of property and crimes against flora. wild.

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