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He disinherits his children, but continues to collect. This charges Alfredo Adame for greetings

He disinherits his children, but continues to collect. This charges Alfredo Adame for greetings

Alfredo Adame He is one of the celebrities who has given the most talk in 2022, since his multiple fights with celebrities and his eternal rivalry with Gustavo Adolfo Infante They have made it cover material for many national circulation newspapers.

And it is that the famous is currently recovering from the attack he suffered at the hands of two people in front of his house, but that has not prevented him from continuing with his controversial statements and his fight with his ex, Mary Paz Banquells, with whom he had three children.

And it is that, as we told you in The Truth Newsthe actor refused to give them inheritance to their children so in recent days he spoke on the subject of his will and about who will be his heir.

How much does Alfredo Adame charge per invitation?

This is what Alfredo Adame charges for a personalized greeting

Despite making it clear that currently his accounts, properties and money are in the name of his daughter Magaly, the actor confessed to TV Notes, that he continues to make good money with his greetings and in case you didn’t know, Alfredo Adame can send a party invitation.

For this to happen, it is necessary to enter the page where various personalities are available for their fans to request a video message, in which they can ask for various things in exchange for a modest financial compensation.

That is why the famous charges a total of 651 pesos per greeting, although if the payment is in cash an extra commission is added, with which Alfredo will record from a greeting to an invitation, the same for which it has even gone viral.

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What happened to the children of Alfredo Adame?

Alfredo Adame, Mary Paz Banquells and their children

Several years ago, the famous ex-host of Hoy married and started a family with Mary Paz Banquells, although the marriage lasted 25 years, Alfredo ended very badly with his ex-wife, accusing her of manipulating their children to leave him bad.

Since then, his three children have avoided talking about him, which is why Alfredo Adame has even called them ungrateful, as he affirms that none of them has worried about the well-being of his health, something that was proven after he was attacked at the outside of your house.

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