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He exposes his HIV test results one of Las Perdidas

He exposes his HIV test results one of Las Perdidas

Paolita Suarez, from the group Las Perdidashas gained massive popularity on social media, constantly broadcasting live on his YouTube channel and TikTok for his audience.

That’s why he recently said that he had been feeling bad, and He explained that he was very sickso he decided to go to the doctor and have some tests done to rule out any problem.

“I got sick on December 25 and 24, I got sick on February 17, so I have friends who tell me that they haven’t gotten sick for years, so I kept thinking, why do I get sick very often?” Paolita de Las Perdidas on her YouTube live.

Paolita Suárez’s HIV test

The influencers added that in the face of all her doubts she decided to go to the doctor, so in the live broadcast she was asked several questions, one of which was whether she had been tested to detect if she did not live with the Immunodeficiency Virus Humana (HIV), to which he said that she had already been tested.

“I already took the test, I’m going to show them to you.”

Moments later he brought a sheet with his tests and it was seen that it said negative, that is, he was not living with the virus.

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What is Undetectable = Untransmittable?

Undetectable = Untransmittable

One of the great discoveries of scientists a few years ago was learning that people who take the treatment every day manage to suppress the virus to such a low level that it is not detected in clinical tests, which they called “undetectability”.

With this it was learned that if a person manages to lower the virus so much in the body, they will not be able to transmit it to their partners either, and they will even be able to have healthy children.

Undetectable = Untransmittable was the message UNAIDS used to promote this campaign.

It should be noted that if the evidence of the last 20 years already showed that HIV treatment is highly effective in reducing HIV transmission, there is now compelling evidence that people living with HIV with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the virus. HIV through sexual intercourse,” says UNAIDS.

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