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He is implicated in the murder of three young people in Morelos

Benito Jimenez
Reform Agency

Friday, April 21, 2023 | 12:39 p.m.

Morelos.- Luis Alberto “N”, alias “El Diablo”, implicated in the murder of three young people found in Huitzilac, Morelos, was arrested by the entity’s Attorney General’s Office.

The subject is a member of a gang that operates in that area of ​​Tres Marías, dedicated to the assault and plagiarism of passers-by, according to the investigation.

Noemí Guadalupe Arias Sosa, Luis Enrique and Luis Javier García Díaz disappeared on April 12 when they were returning in a vehicle from Mexico City to Morelos and were found dead two days later in Huitzilac.

“Yes, we have a detainee, yesterday we executed an arrest warrant and the arrest of Luis Alberto ‘N’ was achieved at dawn yesterday, two searches were carried out at homes in the Huitzilac area. And in one of those homes they found evidence that links this individual to the murder of the three young people,” State Attorney General Uriel Carmona told Reforma.

“The Femicide Prosecutor’s Office intervened on April 14 with the discovery of the three corpses, from there the protocol with a gender perspective was activated for the investigation of the crime of femicide and derived from these investigations, on April 19 requested an arrest warrant from a Specialized Judge for the search of two homes located in Huitzilac,” he explained.

He indicated that in the operation he was supported by Army personnel.

“The State Attorney’s Office does not have the task force to carry out incursions of this type, it is a dangerous area.”

“The detainee belongs to a criminal gang that operates in the towns of Tres Marías, Parres, Sierra del Toro and in the Lagunas de Zempoala area and he himself is related to other crimes such as vehicle theft, clandestine logging and also We have been implicated as a probable perpetrator in some kidnappings, he is a highly dangerous subject who was arrested yesterday,” he revealed.

This morning the initial hearing against the subject will take place.

“We have a solid case, what I want to say is that we found the victim’s belongings at his home,” reiterated the Prosecutor, who hopes to obtain preventive detention against the subject from the judge.

For the Prosecutor’s Office, in the limits of Morelos, in the Huitzilac area, two gangs of kidnappers operate that assault and kidnap their victims on the free highway Mexico-Cuernavaca.

Although several members of these gangs have been prosecuted, for the Prosecutor’s Office the crime is persistent and high risk.

After the crime of the three young people, the head of the Morelos State Security Commission, José Antonio Ortiz Guarneros, recommended that travelers not stop on the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway, near the municipality of Huitzilac.

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