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“He looked at her and dropped her”: the mother of the young woman thrown from a balcony pointed at the boyfriend

After the arrest of the boyfriend of Sofia Tummo, the 22-year-old girl who fell from the third floor of a building at 1 and 44 on March 28 and recently woke up from a coma accusing her boyfriend of having thrown her into the void; The victim’s mother published a strong video on her social networks in which she pointed against the young man denounced and questioned whether her version of what had happened was taken for granted. “While my daughter was fighting for her life, they said she had thrown herself”the woman stressed.

After introducing himself as Guadalupe Espinosa Avenuethe woman regretted that the media referred to the event as a suicide attempt, coinciding with the version of the young woman’s boyfriend, Facundo Lemos.

“We are asking for Justice for Sofía, for the blows she had, which were not from the accident because she was hit inside the apartment,” the woman said and, on the verge of tears, added: “He threw it out the window and Sofía grabbed a cable and he looked at her and let her fall”.

From that day on, Sofía remained hospitalized at the San Martín Hospital, in a coma, recovering from severe polytrauma, fractured pelvis, cervical spine, and scapula, while her partner claimed that she had tried to take her own life. Waking up a few days ago, however, the young woman gave a completely different version of what happened: she accused Lemos of throwing her away after beating her in his apartment and for that he was arrested.

“All I want is for this guy not to touch any woman again and to pay for what he did to my daughter,” Viale said in the dramatic video, adding that they demand “justice for Sofia.” “We are going to continue asking for it until they give it the maximum number of years that correspond. He is a femicide. threw it away“The woman pointed out.

The woman also referred to Lemos’s attitude that night and reported that she left the place in a taxi, assuring that she was going to look for an ambulance, while the young woman lay unconscious on the floor. “My daughter’s medical attention was delayed,” the woman said, adding that, nevertheless, “luckily the neighbors called the ambulance and she was able to get to the hospital, with almost no signs of life.”

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