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He met his scammer again and beat him to death: “Who are you saying hello to, you piece of garca?”

The man in the Racing jumpsuit is called Lucas Balbi, a man from the province of Buenos Aires with fields in Salta. “Who are you saying hello to, you piece of Garca?! Who are you saying hello to?!”Balbi recriminates Casanovas, the scammer barely sees him enter the restaurant in the town of Las Lajitas.

Balbi, the waiter and several diners try to reassure him but he retorts: “Do you know who this is?”he tells them and hits him again. “What are you doing shitting on the producers here? Your mother’s shell! Do you know what it costs us, son of a bitch, to plant and gain weight? Your mother’s shell!”shouts and invites him to fight outside to the cry of “Thief, thief! Fucking thief!”.

And when Casanovas asks for mercy and says he doesn’t want to fight, Balbi ups the ante: “You have to pay, son of a bitch!”.

The fraud

In 2019, some 70 families held a protest in front of the exclusive Mirasoles country estate, in Funes, where the fraudster Casanovas lived, a cereal grower who is facing several legal cases in Rosario due to scams for a sum close to 4,000,000 dollars.

Meanwhile in Salta, the Justice is investigating him for having tried to carry out the same fraudulent maneuvers against grain transport businessmen. According to the complaints, Casanovas had hired them to transport the harvest, but never paid them.

Casanovas’ record

According to the Rosario media, Casanovas owes Balbi about 2 million pesos, some time ago he proposed to pay his creditors in cash and the rest in updated installments at low interest rates.

In addition to Cereals del Sur, Casanovas had problems with the North Livestock Trust, dedicated to fattening cattle, and with brokerage firms based in Rosario. They estimate that, in total, the debt amounts to 1,000 million pesos, in 2019 values.


Balbi, an agricultural producer, recorded himself breaking the financial company’s headquarters in Salta, since after the video in which he hit Casanovas went viral, he said he had received death threats.

“Well, Casanovas. Today you sent me death threats, after you got paid like the shit you are. They called me several times, (saying) that they were going to kill me because I smacked you. But I smacked you because you’re a shitter, ok?” says Balbi while filming the front of the headquarters of Cerealera del Sur.

And he warns in the video: “I’m going to shit on you when I see you again. Now I break your office. Look how the office turned out for you, little bird. Look, I kept threatening to kill myself, lining. Cover! Garcia!”

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