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‘He saved lives and now he’s in jail’

Juarez City.- “My father was not present at the Juárez temporary stay on the night of March 27, because he saved the lives of two foreign children by taking them out of the cell where he was with the adults; Now he is in prison while the real culprit was given the opportunity to escape,” says Tania Collazo, daughter of Rodolfo, one of the six employees of the National Institute of Migration (INM) subject to proceedings for the death of 40 people and the injuries of 27. further.

The interviewee, together with her mother María Trujillo, is at the head of the “march for justice”, the first public demonstration they carry out for the man linked to the process.

The group left on the afternoon of Saturday, April 15, from a shopping plaza and ended up outside the Social Reintegration Center (Cereso) number 3, where the husband and father remain, whom they have not seen since the end of the marathon hearing held. on the 4th of the same month.

Tania assures that the accusation of the Investigation Unit of Crimes for Migrants of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) is false, since her father was carrying out the transfer of two minors to the Nohemí Álvarez Quillay shelter.

At the hearing to formulate the charges, the representation said that the channeling documents of two minors of Guatemalan nationality are in the name of Arnulfo Correa García.

The documents INM/ORCHIH/5907/2023 and INM/ORCHIH/5961, according to investigation file 491/2023, state that the person responsible for the transfer was Correa García and are signed by Daniel Goray Yosiaka, local INM representative (also detained). mentions the document sent by Jesús Rodolfo Villa Rivera, deputy attorney for Auxiliary Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents of the Bravos Judicial District.

Tania explains that Correa García was responsible for the transfer, but he did not do it, so when the shift changed his father had the transfer pending and for this reason he took the minors out of the cells where they were staying because they were traveling without being accompanied by an adult. .

“My father made the transfer and he had the document that he was given when he received the minors, but he left the papers in the official vehicle he was bringing; When he returned to the facilities, he began to help his colleagues and did not bother to recover those documents, which no longer appear, while his partner and a psychologist from the DIF declined to appear as witnesses, ”he narrates. he.

The schedule roll for the last fortnight of March, signed by Daniel Goray Yosiaka, mentions that the defendants Rodolfo CT and Gloria Liliana RG were on duty from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., and the receipt stamp of the DIF is dated March 27 and the time is 7:15 p.m.

‘Don’t hide the guilty’

María Trujillo, Rodolfo’s wife, affirms that her husband’s arrest is an injustice.

“That is our disagreement as a family. We ask for justice and that the facts be clarified, that this be clarified, that the real culprits come out, that they not hide them, ”she urges.

He explains that 17 days have passed since the moment his boss, Rear Admiral Salvador González Guerrero, sent him to the FGR headquarters, where he was only supposed to expand on his statement and the irregularities began, since they detained him for more than 16 hours.

They only took time to obtain the arrest warrant; once detained, they saw him again at the hearing to formulate the charges and then at the hearing to link to the process.

It was there that they found out the magnitude of the charges against Rodolfo.

Apart from that, no person in charge of the INM has provided them with information in this regard.

“From there we have not seen him, he is detained in Cereso, they have not told me anything, we do not know anything about him,” says the mother of the family.

He says that as a person he is very sorry for the loss of life of the foreigners inside the padlocked cells.

“Yes, we are very sorry for the victims, how ugly what happened, but my husband is innocent. Let them investigate well, but they don’t want to do anything, ”he says, referring to the performance of the investigators of the Crime Investigation Unit for Migrants of the Attorney General’s Office.

Requires special medication

It emphasizes that the detainee informed the federal Control Judge, Ernesto Cornejo Ángeles, at the hearing, that he had previously suffered a stroke and required special medication; however, the family assures that he has not been provided with the medicine according to his needs.

Trujillo affirms that the lives of her husband and the entire family have changed radically and they are not well physically, emotionally and financially.

Next to them is a family friend, who declared herself a follower of the Fourth Transformation and the Government headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“I feel very disappointed because the president has always said ‘the poor first’ and now they are going against the poorest, against the officials below and I have heard very bad comments from the rear admiral, who gave the orders,” says the protester.

It also says that another employee, Roberto Gaytán, was on vacation at the time of the events and now has an arrest warrant. This person obtained protection from the federal courts for any arrest warrant, since April 10.

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