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He steals since he was a child, was convicted twice and continues to commit crimes | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Wednesday May 3, 2023 | 8:20 a.m.

In the police and judicial field there are first-time, well-known and well-known criminals. Among the latter is Pablo Damián Gómez de Carvalho (28), alias “Pablito”, a regular at the police stations and court in the city of Oberá.

Sources consulted estimated that throughout his criminal “trajectory” he would accumulate more than a hundred cases, since at only 9 years old he committed his first recorded act.

At 19, he received his first suspended sentence for qualified theft of a motorcycle; while at 24 he received a second sentence for accumulation of causes. In both cases, Criminal Court One of Oberá intervened.

In between, Pablito starred in two escapes from different Oberá police stations. In July 2015, he escaped from the Second Section and the case had national repercussions due to the methodology of the escape, since in order to pass through the bars of the cell, he soaped his body and thus gained access to the street.

Pablo Damian Gomez de Carvalho (28).

Later, in November 2018, together with other detainees, they managed to force the locks of a cell in the Fourth Section, from there they jumped into the courtyard and all they had to do was cross the wall.

Days later he was recaptured, the Justice ruled a light sentence and he returned to his old ways, a cycle that has been repeated over and over again for almost two decades.

Thus, last Monday, May 1, he was again arrested by police personnel who were carrying out prevention tasks in the Ecological neighborhood of Oberá. Upon seeing the uniformed men, Gómez de Carvalho fled and entered a weedy area, although they followed his steps and managed to capture him. By checking his identity and his background, it was determined that he had an active arrest warrant for various acts against property.

latest facts

As confirmed by El Territorio, the aforementioned is involved in at least three events reported in April, according to testimonies collected, analysis and comparison of film images from the different affected places and surroundings.

Consequently, it is suspected that on April 8 he broke into the door of a workshop located on Provincial Route 5 and Los Glaciares de Oberá, owned by Carlos Luis B. (70), although he was unable to enter the property.

The goal, on the 11th, would have broken a vent at a local on Route 5 and Don Bosco, from whose interior he stole tools, work clothes and the sum of 4,000 pesos that were in the cash register. The theft complaint was filed by Héctor Adolfo K. (57).

Likewise, on April 16, he forced the padlock of a carpentry shop located on former route 14, in the Bella Vista neighborhood, owned by Samuel José A. (62), from where he stole computer equipment and tools.

“He has been stealing since he was 9 years old”

A source consulted mentioned that Pablito Gómez de Carvalho has innumerable incomes at the Oberá and Central zone police stations for different illegal activities.

“There are records that he steals from the age of 9, approximately. He started with petty theft and then moved on to motorcycles, but since he was a minor he handed it over to his mother, Beatriz Gómez de Carvalho, for safekeeping. He was even held in the Posadas Minors Warden for various crimes, ”they specified.

Although the person involved is a native of Los Helechos, where he has legal residence, he has lived in Oberá for years, where he alternates temporary addresses.

As an adult, in June 2014 he was sentenced to a suspended year in prison after confessing to the theft of a motorcycle, committed in mid-April 2013 in the 53 Viviendas neighborhood of Oberá.

Before the Criminal Court One acknowledged having intimidated the owner to take the vehicle, but defended himself against the victim’s accusations about the use of a firearm, assuring that with his hand he pretended to have a gun that he did not really have.

In an abbreviated trial, he accepted his guilt for the crime of “qualified theft.”

But it was not until March 2019 that he stepped foot in a jail for the first time to serve a sentence for summation of causes. He served his sentence in the Penal Unit II of Oberá, from where he was released on October 30, 2020.

Subsequently, he did not register a new conviction, despite the fact that he continued to accumulate complaints.

The leaks

With so many entries into police stations, it is also not surprising that the name of Pablito Gómez de Carvalho is implicated in different escapes, including July 2015, when he and Gilberto Duarte -then 38 years old- escaped from the Second Section taking advantage of the thinness of both and a piece of soap.

It happens that both soaped themselves to cross through the bars of the cell they occupied. Once outside, they took their clothes and got dressed. From there they accessed the internal patio and gained the street. Both were recaptured after a few days.

Meanwhile, in November 2018, he fled again along with three other detainees. On that occasion he was imprisoned in the Fourth Section accused of theft, while the others were charged in federal cases for violation of the drug law.

The fact was verified around 4 in the morning, when the guard in charge of controlling the cells confirmed that four people were missing.

At the same time he noticed that two padlocks had been forced.

Immediately, the police authorities were notified, who had an extensive operation aimed at finding the escapees.

In the middle of the afternoon of the same day, Regional Unit II reported the recapture of three of the escapees, but it took several days to find Gómez de Carvalho.

In figures


On April 11, Gómez de Carvalho (28) would have entered a store on Route 5, where clothes, tools, and money were stolen from the cash register.

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