
He visits his mother in Cuba by surprise and shortly after manages to have her in the US.

The Cuban tiktoker Add He shared a moving video of the reunion he had with his mother a few months ago in Cuba, but this Thursday he left his followers an even bigger surprise.

“What was a dream yesterday is a beautiful reality today,” said the young woman from Houston, Texas. She added a video of the arrival of her “old people” to the United States and confessed that she felt “total happiness“.

Tik Tok Liitah

Liitah’s reunion with her parents is very recent. CyberCuba tried to contact the tiktoker, but until the moment of writing this note we have not received responses to know this in detail. nice story of family reunification.

Miles of cuban families They have been separated for decades. Life abroad is marked by longing for loved ones who have been left behind and the dream of many people is to return to meet with yoursbut in lands of freedom.

Los trips to cubato visit parents, grandparents and other relatives, are moments long awaited by Cubans in exile.

However, these trips cannot always be made because they are extremely expensive for emigrants and difficult to fit into the dynamics of daily life for those who are far from the island.

Liitah was able to do it at the beginning of the year and before the end of 2023 she received the gift of having the people she loves most close to her, to start a new stage of life in the United States.

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