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He was a great talent on TV Azteca and now a teacher at UNAM

He was a great talent on Televisa and now a teacher at UNAM

One of the great actors our country is Rodrigo Murray Prisant whom we know best only as Rodrigo Murray and whom we currently enjoy his work in the comedy series “Frozen Income”, however, he has a long career, both on television, theater, cinema and as a teacher.

It seems that despite the fact that many people only knew about his career as an actor, Rodrigo Murray recently revealed in an interview with Yordi Rosado that he is also a teacher, since he teaches at the highest university, we are talking about the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

What does Rodrigo Murray teach at UNAM?

It was Rodrigo Murray himself who, when questioned about his professional projects, the actor announced that he teaches at UNAM every Monday and Friday.

“I teach at the university every Monday and Friday from 8 to 10 in the morning in case you want to go, at UNAM,” said Rodrigo Murray.

Given this statement, Yordi was surprised by what the actor also revealed that he teaches at UNAM, especially in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.

After publicizing his other little-known profession, many want to know what he teaches, since the actor who participated in the Mexican classic “Amores perros” encouraged everyone who wants to go to his classes.

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What class does Rodrigo Murray teach?


Due to the above, it has been investigated what classes Rodrigo Murray teaches, and we discovered on the official website of the UNAM that the actor is indeed on the staff of professors of the theater degree.

Even on the internet you can find one of the syllabi of the classes taught by the protagonist of “Frozen Income” and that is that there would be no better class that could teach what “acting”.

It should be noted that Rodrigo Murray shared his next projects with Yordi because, in addition to teaching at UNAM, he does not neglect acting since, as we mentioned before, we can currently enjoy it in “Frozen Income”, however, he revealed that in June he will re-release “Leonardo Da Vinci”, the monologue that he performed under the scenery of the renowned sculptor “Sebastián” and in March he will premiere the series “Chavo rucos” together with Sofía Escobosa.

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