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He was driving with 3.22 grams of alcohol in his blood, misled his vehicle and ended up on the sidewalk of a house

Monday, February 6, 2023 | 11:15 a.m.

Yesterday, Sunday, a 53-year-old man was driving a Volkswagen 1500 car while intoxicated, he lost control going up a slope, ending up in front of the sidewalk of a house in Aristóbulo del Valle.

It was the agents of the 1st Police Station who had to go to the 60 Viviendas neighborhood where the road accident occurred. Upon arrival at the scene they noticed that the driver was intoxicated and without injuries.

Subsequently, the test was carried out, which was positive with 3.22 grams of alcohol in the blood. For this reason, with the order of the local Justice of the Peace, the man was detained and the vehicle seized.

Two other drunk drivers were arrested.

First, in the town of Campo Grande, a 32-year-old man who was driving a Volkswagen Pointer ended up misleading in a weed sector. The man had 1.84 grams of blood alcohol and was uninjured.

On the other hand, in the town of Guaraní, a 28-year-old motorcyclist carried out dangerous maneuvers on national route 14, where he was intercepted by police station agents.

Meanwhile, the members of the Road Safety and Tourism Division carried out the test that came back positive with 2.71 grams of alcohol in the blood.

Finally, both drivers were detained at the respective police stations at the disposal of the Justice of the Peace and the vehicles were seized. In addition, the act of infraction of the National Transit Law 24,449 was drawn up.

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