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He was missing, they found him stabbed to death and without clothes in a stream in Azara

Friday December 30, 2022 | 8:26 p.m.

A 20-year-old man identified as Rosendo Emanuel Portillo (20) was found stabbed to death in the town of Azara after his mother reported that he had disappeared. The victim had several cuts on his body and was abandoned on a mountain without underwear.

Due to the fact, the Misiones Police carried out raids and took statements from people who might have some kind of relationship with the victim. The case is being investigated by the Cuatro de Apóstoles Investigating Court, headed by Judge Miguel Ángel Faria. There is a delay.


as he was able to reconstruct The territory Based on her sources, Portillo’s mother, María Alejandra (38), appeared at the local police station in the morning and said that she could not locate her son for more than 24 hours, since Thursday at 9. He also added that he had noticed him depressed.

Due to this, the troops mounted a search and investigations to find the whereabouts of the young man, who moved to the neighborhood area, where around 11 o’clock the first indication appeared that anticipated the worst of endings. Men’s underwear was found in the back of the María Auxiliadora neighborhood.

And from that place, about 20 meters away, in a stream with a small flow of water, the body of the young man, who did not have the lower garments, but did have a blue shirt. At first glance in the abdominal area he had several cuts and was without vital signs.

The Scientific Police, the police doctor and the authorities of the Cuatro de Apóstoles Investigating Court were quickly summoned, and they were present at the scene for the rigorous examinations.

Seizures and expertise

The scene is a dense mountain that was difficult to access. In the first instance, the professionals seized the clothing and ordered the kidnapping of the cell phone of the young man who found the body. The person involved also testified as a suspicious witness.

The police doctor determined that the victim had multiple stab wounds to the scalp and chest. In any case, it was ordered that the body be transferred to the Judicial Morgue for the corresponding autopsy and to determine the causes of death with scientific rigor. The operation must also determine, given the indications of the finding, if there was sexual abuse.

Given this scenario, the Investigation Brigade began to survey testimonials in the area and were able to establish, among other things, that the victim had a romantic relationship with a young man. This person also testified as a suspicious witness and his cell phone was seized, leaving him delayed.

It was anticipated that both communication devices will be appraised by experts from the Cybercrime Directorate.

This afternoon the uniformed officers carried out various raids in the town in order to find more clues about what happened. However, no seizures were reported.

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