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"He was unaware of the accident": the lawyer of one of the passengers of Palmade evokes the collision

Maître Nathalie Fonteneau believes that her client, “haggard” following the collision, “did not shirk her responsibilities”

Invited this Monday on BFMTV, Maître Nathalie Fonteneau, lawyer for Mohcine EA, one of the two passengers of Pierre Palmade during the accident in Seine-et-Marne, indicates that his client was not “aware that there was an accident.”

“When he got out of the vehicle, he was seeing black, there was tinnitus, he was really completely confused. He found out a little later that there had been an accident,” she says, adding that the road was “very dark, without lights.”

According to the woman in law, Mohcine EA simply followed the injunctions of the second passenger, who told her to follow him, and “did not shirk his responsibilities.” “He was totally haggard, he was not fully aware of what he was doing, that’s why he followed the second passenger,” she adds.

“Even so, by extrapolating that he would have known, he could not have brought the necessary help because on the spot we know that there was a nurse, a firefighter more able to be able to help the victims on the spot. “, she argues.

“No tariff relations”

Regarding the relationship between her client and Pierre Palmade, master Nathalie Fonteneau points to a friendship that began “since at least 2019.” “There were no priced relationships,” she insists.

“He is an excellent friend of Pierre Palmade, they had excellent relations of trust, they talked a lot to each other”, she describes again.

Regarding the consumption of narcotics, the lawyer concludes that to “(his) knowledge”, Mohcine EA “is not a drug addict.”

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