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He went to dinner and when he came back he found a two meter python in the house

Terror in a neighborhood of La Plata, where they found a python coiled in the fence of a house. Incredibly one of the tenants went out to dinner and when she returned she found the giant snake at the door of her building.

The woman quickly notified the authorities and police officers were present at the scene. The police themselves were the ones who removed the animal with homemade utensils, to transfer it to a nearby biopark.

“A police officer rang the bell and asked me for a consortium bag and a broom to remove a snake that was coiled in my neighbor’s fence,” the woman who lives next to the house told the Infocielo site.

The reasons why the snake came to that place is still unknown. But it is worth noting that these snakes are dangerous due to their condition as constrictors: they hunt by suffocation.

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