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Heatwave: it is urgent to adapt cities to future heat waves

Emma Haziza returns every Saturday to a news item around the climate, the environment, and offers solutions. Saturday April 29, how can cities adapt to high temperatures?

We are waiting for summer with its possible scorching temperatures. It may be time to prepare for it. In recent years, there has been a succession of historic temperature records all over the world. While in Thailand the thermometer exceeded 45 degrees, Central Park, in the heart of New York, exceeded 32 degrees in mid-April. In Spain, more than 38 degrees in the middle of April were recorded.

>> Global warming: trees could reduce mortality linked to urban heat waves by a third, according to a study

France will not be spared. According to a study published in mid-March by the Lancet Planetary Earth, which analyzes the excess mortality attributed to heat and cold, Paris is the place where people are at risk of dying the most from heat, according to data from 2019 and 2020. city ​​is trying to prepare for it. The elected members of the Paris Council carried out an information and assessment mission, entitled “Paris at 50 degrees”. To adapt the city to this sweltering heat and this disaster scenario, there are a few ways, such as the greening of public spaces and white paint on the roofs.

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