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Heavy fire in factory at Toten

There is a strong fire in a factory at Lena in Østre Toten on Boxing Day. It was initially reported that it was in a potato factory, but it is onion production in the premises that is on fire.

– The fire service has arrived at the scene and has started extinguishing. It’s burning badly, says police operations manager Stig Folstad Hansen to TV 2.

There are several patrols from both the fire service and the police at the scene.

– We have no information that indicates that there were people in the building when it started to burn, but cannot rule it out one hundred percent, says Hansen.

The fire service has not yet been able to enter the building.

Control of the risk of spreading

In an update, the police write that parts of the building have collapsed.

Just before 6 p.m., the fire service informs TV 2 that they are starting to get control of the danger of spreading.

– It is an old wooden building that is on fire. It is located in a relatively large complex with various buildings, says supervisor Erik Johansen.

Nevertheless, there has been no need to evacuate nearby buildings.

– It is the fire brigade from Vestre Toten and Gjøvik that assists Østre Toten on the spot, says Johansen.

The fire service was alerted by passers-by, and currently has no idea how the fire started.

– It’s still burning, but the fire service has more or less good control, says police operations manager Stig Folstad Hansen at 6.45pm.

– Haven’t been able to do anything other than think “oh my god”

Oppland Arbeiderblad writes that it is the premises of Selmer Utvikling that are on fire. They produce the brand “Thors”.

– I have just seen it. So far, I haven’t been able to do anything other than think “Oh my God”, says owner Thor Selmer Hansen to OA.

He tells the newspaper that there is onion production in two of the parts where it is now burning, while in the rest there are two large containers with cooling and freezing.

TV 2 has so far not succeeded in getting hold of the owner.

20 meter high flames

Øystein Amlien runs Toten Glass and Aluminium, which owns parts of the building. They are not affected by the fire.

– It looks like a fire wall has prevented the spread, says Amlien to TV 2.

He states that there are many police and fire engines at the scene.

– I drove past five minutes after the fire started. Then the flame was 20 meters up, says neighbor Maren Holmstad to TV 2.

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