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Heinous crime in Pasadena: 11-year-old Guatemalan girl is raped and strangled

Heinous crime in Pasadena: 11-year-old Guatemalan girl is raped and strangled

HOUSTON – The alarms are raised in the city of Pasadena, after a girl of Guatemalan origin was found strangled and raped inside her apartment last Saturday.

María González was found dead by her father upon returning from work shortly after 3 pm at the apartment they have lived in for two months at 1000 Main Street.

Carmelo González called the police after he found the girl under a bed and not breathing.

The apartment was in a mess, according to the father, evidence that the girl tried to defend herself.

When paramedics arrived at the scene, the girl was already lifeless.

In the midst of her pain, the mother of the family speaks exclusively

According to what Carmelo told Telemundo Houston, he went to work that Saturday morning, but had telephone contact with María during the day on several occasions. According to him, the minor even told him that they were knocking on the door of the apartment in the middle of one of the calls.

Carmelo and her daughter moved to Pasadena about two months ago after living in Florida and Austin. He said that he looked for this city because he had family there and he wanted the girl to grow up with her cousins.

According to Pasadena police, “The Harris County Medical Examiner concluded that the cause of death was asphyxiation by strangulation. Further investigation determined that the victim was sexually assaulted.”

The neighborhood where Carmelo lived with his daughter is a small apartment complex where, according to the police, a community of Guatemalans lives.

The authorities are asking for help to solve this crime that shakes this city located southeast of the Houston metropolitan area and that is why they ask that if anyone knows anything they should call detectives Quintanilla or Mata of Pasadena PD at 713-475-7803 or at 713-475-7878, respectively.

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